It has been almost A year Since India went into Complete Lockdown and never before we have collectively experienced the pressing need for secure Roof Overheads. According to Survey Conducted by ANAROCK research, housing Sales in Chennai have surged 30 Percent in Q1 2021 over Q1 2020, Indicating the strong faith that home-buyers have in the city’s ability to deliver better quality of life.

As Compiled by the Ministry Of Housing and Urban Affairs, Chennai has ranked in the latest ease of living (EOL) Index 2020 rankings, showing considerable progress from its previous rankings at the 14th position last year. 

Chennai has expanded its geographical boundaries to new peripheral locations, which offer the luxury of open spaces, less congestion, well-planned city developments and infrastructure in the backdrop of a green ecosystem. The new economic drivers have nudged the new-age residents to relocate to the peripheral locations beyond the dense city centres of Chennai.

Amidst the remote work-from-home and hybrid models springing up, attractive price points, choice of inventory, affordability and scope of future capital appreciation are driving prospective home-buyers to the extended suburbs of Chennai.

This drives the People towards buying Budget homes beyond the regular fancied locations in Chennai, which paved a way to Reduce The Unsold inventories compared to the past years.
